... of War and Peace

How to merge numerous layers of built memorabilia from different ages into a coherent environment?

The town of Mikkeli was wartime home for the headquarters of the Finnish army. The historical milieu including the HQ, old cantinas, other support buildings, and the communications centre will be converted into a Centre for War and Peace. Exhibition and education functions are placed both in the buildings and around the neighborhood. The new function is expressed by adding a meaningful, if formally restrained frame. The frame acts as a connector between different buildings of the Centre, as well as a literal frame around the area in which historical surface materials are preserved and/or reconstructed. The only additions inside the frame are two playgrounds: One projected to be full of children and play, and an identical one restricted by glass walls, to remain empty forever.

PROJECT: Muisti Centre for War and Peace, TYPE: Museum and Masterplan 2017, LOCATION: Mikkeli/Finland, SIZE: 8000sqm, CLIENT: Miksei oy, City of Mikkeli, STATUS: Ongoing, TEAM: &’, Emmi Keskisarja, Janne Teräsvirta, Miki Sordi, Osma Lindroos, COLLABORATORS: Wise Group, Controlteam, Polygon


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